Ignite Institute Boone County Schools
Ignite Institute Boone County Schools
Erlanger, Kentucky
185,000 Square Feet
Arc Flash Analysis • Digital Lighting Controls • Building Automation • LED Lighting
This project consisted of the second phase of renovations to approximately 185,000 square feet of existing building donated to the District from a private source. The project has created a 1,000 student academy that has lab spaces developed around career pathways and is based on a Project-Based Learning schedule/environment with numerous open, collaborative learning spaces.
The entire building was upgraded, some areas more so than others, with full food service and PE spaces created, as well as systems upgraded with new rooftop HVAC units and roof. Many of the existing rooms have been repurposed while other areas were being created as required to meet the architectural program requirements. Also included is minor site work involved for the site which is approximately 21 acres.