Hindman Elementary Renovation
Hindman Elementary Renovation
Hindman, Kentucky
32,670 Square Feet
Daylighting • LED Lighting
Hindman Elementary was an elegant addition of a Gymnasium, Lobby, Classrooms, and related support areas to fulfill needs of the school.
The gym and classroom addition to Hindman Elementary was heated and cooled by air cooled packaged rooftop units. The rooftop units have high efficiency digital scroll compressors for modulating capacity, hot gas reheat for humidity control, and modulating natural gas furnaces. The gym also has a high volume low speed fan for air circulation and destratification in the large space. Mechanical systems in the existing kitchen were modified to accommodate the kitchen renovation. The plumbing renovation included new sanitary sewer piping and grease trap for the renovated kitchen, new water service, and a new fire service to serve the addition and existing media center.
This project incorporated the latest technology for LED lighting and digital controls while achieving aesthetically exciting areas for learning and collaboration. All lighting is sensor or time-clock based, as well as manual controls. Power needs were met with plentiful receptacles to meet the demanding needs of a technology enhanced learning environment. In addition to code required systems, such as voice evacuation fire alarm and communications infrastructure, this addition was equipped with IP based camera system, intrusion detection, intercom/paging, and large venue sound system and large format screen with laser projection for the Gymnasium.