Wilkerson Elementary School
Wilkerson Elementary School
Louisville, Kentucky
82,532 Square Feet
ICC 500 Storm Shelter • Geothermal Heat Pump • REVIT • LED Lighting • Energy Recovery • Dedicated Outside Air System
The new Dixie Corridor Elementary School combined the student population of Wilkerson Elementary School and Watson Lane Elementary School. With the capacity to serve 700 K-5 students, the new school included an outdoor classroom, full-size gymnasium, cafeteria, full commercial kitchen, media center, art room and music room. This school features various energy-efficient systems, modern technology and increased safety features.
The gymnasium area of the facility has been designed to be used as a tornado storm shelter. Battery powered lights, natural ventilation, and dedicated plumbing are all included to allow the space to be a shelter during a tornadic event.
Geothermal water source heat pumps provide heating/cooling to all spaces in the building. A dedicated outside air system provides ventilation to all spaces in the building. Occupancy based control for ventilation air in the classrooms is provided as well as CO2 based control in high occupancy areas such as the gym, cafeteria, and media center to reduce energy usage based on occupancy.
New electrical systems include high performance interior and exterior lighting utilizing energy efficient LED fixtures. Daylight sensors are located throughout the building to automatically reduce lighting levels where natural daylight is sufficient. Additionally, low flow plumbing fixtures were designed to minimize water consumption.