Officials broke ground on March 14, 2018 for the Kentucky School for the Deaf’s (KSD) new elementary school in Danville.
The 16,500 square foot facility replaces Walker Hall, built in the early 1970’s.
It is designed to be state-of-the-art, built with the needs of deaf and hard of hearing students in mind. The new elementary school includes classrooms, a multi-purpose room, a kitchen, and dormitory space for 20 students.
“Every square foot of this new building is designed around the safety and instruction of students – from the way the rooms are designed to the way the mechanical systems are integrated,” Commissioner of Education Stephen Pruitt said. “No longer will our youngest students have to leave the building to eat or attend classes. That will save instructional time.”
The building is scheduled for completion in December.
The Full Article was posted March 14, 2018 by Lane report.