Raven Run Nature Sanctuary Visitor Center
Raven Run Nature Sanctuary Visitor Center
5,000 Square Feet
Lexington, KY
Geothermal • Sustainable • Water Source Heat Pump
The $1,000,000 building features offices, library, exhibit Hall, demonstration classrooms and security functions in this distinctive 5,000 sq ft visitors’ center. Nestling into the north edge of a sweeping meadow, this building was designed to LEED guidelines.
Orientation, window openings, and roof overhang maximize passive solar advantage, natural light and natural ventilation. Peeled pine columns and manufactured heavy timber beams reflect the forested site and use renewable resources. Rainwater is captured for reuse, and geothermal further enhances efficiency.
Raven Run is a unique, 734-acre nature sanctuary dedicated to preserving the natural beauty of the Kentucky River Palisades and early Kentucky history. The Nature Center benefits Lexington by providing a unique site to learn about the natural environment.